National Honor Society inducts next years officers

National Honor Society inducts next years officers

By Aimee Brandon Posted May 23, 2015

Students were recently nominated for officer positions. Those nominated then shared speeches and officers were elected. On Monday May 18, the old officers passed the torch to the new officers as the newbies were inducted.

The new officers are Historian Aimee Brandon, Parliamentarian Elise Rose, Treasurer Salvador Perez, Secretary Natalie Elifritz, Vice President Michael Rangel, and President Jewel Laura.

“One of my expectations for honor society next year is to get more people involved and I hope NHS gets more involved in the community through community service and just helping the community more. And just to keep the whole honor society involved in things and make sure everybody has an equal opportunity to receive points,” said Elifritz.

National Honor Society provides students with the opportunity to serve the school and community through community service.

A reminder to all those in NHS the final meeting of the school year is Tuesday June 2, at 7:20 a.m.. This will be the first meeting the new officers conduct.