Performer of the Issue: Maddie Riley

By Halle Sullivan Posted March 6, 2018

This performer is someone who is praised by the school for her amazing choreography and her great drama performances. Maddie Riley was chosen by Mrs. Corinne James because Maddie is dedicated and always ready to work. Maddie has been participating in drama for three years.

Riley began performing in Drama during her sophomore year of high school. Riley is an outgoing person and needed something to keep her excited.

“I am a really outgoing person and this was one way for me to express that and make my high school years enjoyable,” Riley said.

While in drama Riley’s favorite performances have been “Grease” and “Sleeping Beauty”.

“This drama family would not be whole with her,” James stated. “Riley is always ready to do her best.”

According to James, Riley has improved her acting skills significantly since the start of the year.
Riley is loved by her friends and family and Riley has several interests in her life such as Leonardo Dicaprio as her favorite actor, and her mom is her role model because “she made me the person I am today and she’s my right hand.”

Riley stated if she could switch lives with anyone, it would be Cabatbat.

“I would switch lives with Cabatbat because he makes games,” said Riley.

Riley may be a talented actress, but that’s not all she does, she told us of her involvement in Leadership, and advanced placement classes, and has danced about 15 hours a week. Riley has proven she is talented and dedicated to her work.