Artist of the Week: Rylee Mathis

Artist of the Week: Rylee Mathis

By Dani Ricker Posted November 1, 2013

This week’s Performer of the Week, chosen by art teacher Mr. Anderson, goes to Rylee Mathis.

Anderson chose Mathis because, “Despite the rigor and high standards for originality and craftsmanship in her advanced art class, Rylee always takes on the challenges with excitement and optimism. Her positive attitude and energy are contagious and a solid addition to the classroom environment.”

 Anderson also added, “She loves Art Club and always finds a way to get plugged into Art Club activities and events. Rylee strives in coming up with unique solutions to things and her artwork boasts of her creative talents.”

Although Art Club won’t be having a meeting this next week because of testing schedules, they continue to work hard and make art to share with our school, and have fun while doing so.