By Clarissa Olson Posted May 4, 2018
The Performers of the Week from the Music in the Parks festival the music program attended in San Francisco are Ashley Salgado for the band and percussion class, and Ophelie Tomlinson for the choirs. They were chosen by Director Paul Criddle, who is set to retire at the end of the year.
Salgado is in both swing choir and band, where she plays the flute and piccolo. Her dedication to the program has caught Criddle’s attention.
“She’s a helpful person who is always there to help when we need her, and ready to share her solos,” said Criddle. “Her commitment and love for music, positive attitude towards other people, and her helpful, friendly manner are inspiring.”
Not only is Salgado’s devotion to a program she loves and excels at admirable but her positive outlook as well.
“Ashley has a positive mental attitude. She also had a solo at the festival, and always comes through,” said Criddle
Just minutes before going on stage at the festival, Salgado said she finally realized she was about to perform her solo in front of the judges. Instead of backing out or getting nervous, she simply said “Let’s do this” and moved on.
Tomlinson is in the Swing choir and placed second place with her duet partner Micah Avalos at the Winterfest talent show. Her dedication to music stands out as well.
“Ophelie also had a solo at the festival. She’s dedicated to her music and learning her parts and contributing to the group,” said Criddle.