Press release: Troops leaving Afghanistan

By Justin Albright Posted February 10, 2012

In a Press release from the White House, Press Secretary Jay Carney made a statement regarding the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. President Obama recently said that there would be 70,000 troops left in Afghanistan by September. However, Secretary Panetta said that an end of combat would come in the middle of 2013.

Press Secretary Jay Carney, “Well, let me step back and clarify your question. Secretary Panetta, on his way to a meeting of fellow defense ministers of NATO in Brussels, spoke with reporters about the consultations he would be having, and in line with the NATO policy set forward in Lisbon with regards to Afghanistan that called for the transfer of security lead to the Afghan security forces by 2014. That is the policy, and it has not changed.

What the meetings the Secretary is involved in now are about is how that transition will unfold and take place, and that will certainly be a subject of serious discussion among heads of state of NATO who are here in Chicago hosted by President Obama in May.

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