Raquel Aguilar breaks the norms of Graphic Design

Raquel Aguilar breaks the norms of Graphic Design

By Piper Forgnone Posted September 22, 2024

Ms. Megan Maga, the Graphic Design teacher, picked Raquel Aguilar as Student of the Week for her excellence throughout the first weeks of the new school year.

Maga said Aguilar has shown that she has set goals for the new school year; she always sets a target and aims for it.

“She has a work ethic I admire,” said Maga. “It is great to see a student care about their work the way Raquel does.” 

Aguilar says that she looks forward to going to Graphic Design every day.

“It’s calm and cool learning new things about her class and learning about her, doing things like the volleyball mashup,” said Aguilar.

Aguilar and Maga look forward to this new school year and how things are starting.