By Ron Espinola Posted June 10, 2021
Irah Montenegro (IM)
Rudy Leeth (RL)
Luis Manuel Solis Gonzalez. (LS)
Favorite teacher in high school?
IM: My favorite high school teacher is Mrs. Santos because she always interacts with her students and listens to our feedback.
RL: My favorite teacher in high school is Mrs. Mattson because having her in class was always fun and exciting, she would always make sure I was doing my school work and paying attention.
LS: Mr. Setzer.
Best high school memory?
IM: I will always remember the wild unplanned days where my friends and I would get into mischief and do anything we wanted.
RL: My best high school memory was P.E. because Mr.Cabatbat always encouraged us to try the new games we would play, joked around with us, and made us feel comfortable.
LS: Playing some soccer with some friends and goofing off with friends in class.
Are you going to miss being at the high school?
IM: Yes, I am going to miss seeing my friends every day and having fun in a place where I am comfortable.
RL: Heck yeah!!! because school was always fun and exciting see all your friends and walking through the hallways.
LS: Just not being able to see everyone I grew up with.
What was your favorite sport/activity?
IM: I enjoyed participating in the leadership program and traveling for state conferences.
RL: My favorite activity was stage crafts because putting on plays and creating them was exciting and fun to do.
LS: My favorite sport is soccer.
Who was your best friend throughout high school?
IM: Brandon Lee, Sam Roth, Rudy Leeth, Jeremy Walker, and many more.
RL: My best friend throughout high school was my boys Irah Montenegro, Jovanie Guizar, Layne Barela, Hugo Ruiz, Alonso Mendoza.
LS: I have a lot of close friends like Austin C, Omar F, Sean H, Jacob S, Diego A, and also Alberto M.
If you could relive your high school career what would you change?
IM: I wouldn’t change a thing I had an amazing time and would do it again with no regrets.
RL: If I could relive my high school career I would change nothing because I lived it to the fullest.
LS: Trying harder in school.
If you could change something about high school (excluding COVID) what would it be?
IM: I would tell everyone to do and become who they wanted and not try to conform to stereotypes or act like they are above anyone else.
RL: I would change nothing.
LS: Trying out different sports to meet new people.
What was your least favorite part of school?
IM: Tests, although they are needed it causes a lot of stress for us students.
RL: Doing homework.
LS: The ACT test was by far the most boring thing I have ever participated in.