Should high schools offer more classes for future careers?

By Nakiya Flores  Posted March 15, 2015

High school is a big step toward a teenager’s future, although some students have no idea what they want to do after high school. Some students don’t think about what they want to do until they are halfway through college. Providing classes relevant to future careers in high school is a good idea. Students would be able to figure out what they want to do before college starts and having classes can provide future success and save money throughout the school.

If a student decides not to go to college they will still be able to experience things they never knew. Offering classes such as medical classes, dental hygiene, etc. will provide students with the opportunity to figure out what they want to do after their high school years. Allowing students to focus on their future careers could take a lot of stress away from a student and their parents.

Also, knowing what a student wants to do before college can decrease the amount of money they spend during school. The teen will know what type of classes they need for their career and take the required classes instead of spending extra money on classes they do not need to take.
Boise State undergraduate classes cost around $260 for a class, some classes can cost more. If a student takes a class that costs this much and they don’t like it, or won’t use it in the future, it can be a waste of money.

An average fee for a class credit for a graduate course can cost around $327. This will continue to add up with every class the student takes.  Being able to have this opportunity available for teens during high school is very helpful.  Is this a good idea?  Offering career-specific classes before college can decrease the amount of money people spend each year and it can provide future success for the teen.