Should student’s grade point averages be affected by PE class?

By Nakiya Flores  Posted March 22, 2015

Many students think they don’t have to try as hard in a gym class because they aren’t learning anything important. PE can be a great opportunity to get the right amount of exercise and get to know new people.

Many students aren’t aware that failing to dress out and barely participating will affect their grades negatively.

Students will actually receive or miss out on 10 points per day based on their participation and whether or not they dressed out. These points can really add up and as a result, will alter student’s GPAs. These points are easily received and any student that wishes to succeed can easily receive an A in their PE class.

If a student is absent or sick they always have a chance to make up the day they missed. They can always talk to the teacher about what they can do to receive those missed points. It is possible to fix a grade, the student just needs to take the initiative.

PE is an easy class to pass students just need to put in some effort. If a student is being lazy and doesn’t care, their grade will be affected by it. A student needs to work hard for their grades and put in the effort.