Spring is both good and bad

By Katie Hillyer  Posted April 15, 2015

Spring is on the way. No more snow, so time to put on your sandals and clothes that feel like spring. I am so ready for spring because I like to hang outside. I love to go on walks when it is sunny. We can go swimming and hang out with friends. When spring is in the air it means that Easter is on the way too.

The bad thing about spring is allergies since they are bad to have in the spring. You cannot stop sneezing and your nose can not stop running.

The worst part about spring is rushing to get those last assignments in and studying for finals. Then saying goodbye to Lowry and friends.

Even though spring has some bad aspects it is still my favorite time of year.

I love spring break because I get to hang out with my friends and family. My friends and I get to watch movies and go swimming. My family and I get to go on road trips to Disneyland and sometimes to Las Vegas to visit family. Hope you have a good spring break this year.