By Ally Green Posted May 8, 2023
As a new athlete to coach Tyrell Lucas, Ryder Huitt is recognized as a hard-working athlete who is willing to put in time and effort to become his own personal best. At practices, he challenges himself by participating in multiple events trying to find the one he can be confident in when it comes to competitions.
“He has been very dedicated this season,” said Lucas. “He is open to trying any event that the coaches suggest. He’s worked very hard on anything that we put him on as he tries hard to improve himself.”
Huitt is a hardworking athlete who prospers off of his coach’s input, allowing him to improve his skills. He participates in many of the events that track and field have to offer, therefore he mainly focuses on the 400-meter run. Even off the field, Huitt works hard to improve his stamina and agility when he’s not out on the track.
“He always has a good attitude when he approaches any of his workouts he’s had a really promising season and hopefully, he keeps it up for next year,” said Lucas. “He’s really trying to emphasize his 400-meter run, and he’s trying to see how well he can do for the regional tournaments so he’s really working hard on his form.”
Lucas hopes that Huitt keeps up the effort he’s been showing this season and hopes for him to keep up the intensity for next year. Huitt had high expectations for the beginning of the season to start with, therefore, now he enjoys participating in the events that he has chosen and works hard to improve himself.
“The 400-meter run is my main event, I work on it by running a lot and a bunch of different exercises like ab workouts said Huitt. “I expected to like run a lot and I do that and expected to have fun while doing it which I do. Especially doing it with friends is the most fun, I have more friends that I run the 400 with but in the beginning not so much.”
When Huitt first began the season, he started out with different events and not knowing too many people that engaged in the same event. Therefore, throughout the season he became closer with his teammates and started having more fun with all of them.
“I feel like I do pretty good as a freshman but I can do better,” said Huitt. “I like Lucas’ coaching, he doesn’t just help one person, he helps multiple people. He helps us by having us do a lot of jumping like he doesn’t coach me with the 400 but he still helps me out a lot.”
With help from Lucas, Huitt enjoyed the events in track because he knew he had a reliable coach that wouldn’t only help him but anyone in order to be successful with this sport and anyone who plans to be ready for next year.