By Hadley Hatch Posted: December 18, 2020
The Scholastic Arts competition is a national competition that is broken down into regional levels this year students of Lowry will be competing in the Northern Nevada region.
One of the teachers who is focusing her students on the project is Ms. Julia Topholm. Students have been working on their submissions for three weeks.
“It gives students the opportunity to showcase their talents in the medium of their choosing and highlight what they have learned throughout their own artistic journey,” said Topholm.
This competition gives students a chance to create their own diverse art that they feel would work in a competition setting. Some of the students even feel a sort of relaxation whilst doing work.
“My favorite thing about the competition was that I didn’t feel this immense pressure to create this super amazing thing,” said Ariana Ruiz.
This project has been in the works for about three weeks and the winners of the competition will be chosen on January 28. Some of the students even feel that they can connect to people through art.
“My art is really motivated by the fact that it helps me connect with other people, including some of my friends and family, in a way that I don’t know if I’d be able to verbally,” said Ruiz.
According to Topholm, Araceli Ruiz, Arianna Ruiz, Wren Jones, Mary-Kate Barber, Meadow Braun, Nya Tyler have entered pieces in the competition.
“The Lowry High School Advanced Art Students will be competing in at our regional level for Northern Nevada, and if winners are selected their pieces will go on to the next level of the competition,” said Topholm. “It is judged blind by professional artists and patrons of the arts, so the work will speak for itself.”
This art competition is a way for students to express themselves and even in a competition setting and still be able to have an outlet to relax.