Taylor Heindl learning and applying new language

Taylor Heindl learning and applying new language

By Ludi Canales Posted March 28, 2023

Mr. Byron Jeppsen chose Taylor Heindl as a Student of the Week for foreign language. Heindl is a hard worker and is always willing to learn more Spanish. 

“He always does well on all of his assignments,” said Jeppsen. “He is super interested in learning as much Spanish as he can,” said Jeppsen, “He also never fails to turn in an assignment on time.”

Heindl enjoys being in Spanish class and tries to better his studies by being involved in class discussions and bringing his attitude into the class atmosphere. 

“Spanish is super easy and Mr. Jeppsen makes it super fun, I like to learn new languages,”  said Heindl, “It’s both a fun and educational experience that I enjoy.”