The #metoo movement is shedding light on sexual harassment

The #metoo movement is shedding light on sexual harassment

By Celest Castellanos Posted November 10, 2017

The world has recently been going through a lot of terrible tragedies. One of them is sexual harassment, a terrible act that needs to stop.

In the news, there has recently been a story about Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein is an American film producer and a former film executive. Weinstein has been accused of harassing and assaulting more than 40 women. Most of the women that were harassed, live in Hollywood and are actresses. Many of the women who have been harassed, were afraid to speak up about the harassment because of their careers. Some of the victims mentioned that they were threatened by Weinstein not to say anything, or their career would be over or their future would not be good.

Many women in the US have been sexually harassed and do not want to speak up because they are afraid of what might happen to them. Such as the embarrassment they have to go through or the fear of it taking place again. After the Weinstein allegations spread, actress Alyssa Milano tweeted the hashtag: “#metoo.” The #metoo concept actually began a decade ago by activist Tarana Burke. The idea of the tag is to help spread awareness for women who have been sexually harassed and to share their stories. Those women who want to break the silence and fight for all the pain they have gone through. Many women have been taking part in this movement and are trying to find justice for themselves.

Sexual harassment negatively impacts the survivor’s life in several ways. Some will not want to live with themselves and can end up making the wrong decisions due to the emotions and pain that the harassment caused them. One might also fall into depression and not be happy with life. Sexual harassment is a very cruel and disgusting act. It is important to speak up for yourself and have a voice, just like the many women in the recent cases from Hollywood. It does not matter who you are, everyone should have a voice and speak up for their rights and know sexual harassment is not okay.