Think before you speak

Think before you speak

By Celest Castellanos Posted December 7, 2017

There are many different people in the world who do many different things and have different thoughts and ideas. Something that seems to occur with everyone is judging someone before they know what the situation really is or what it was. It happens every day with celebrities, teachers, and even students. This has been happening since the beginning of time because people are so judgmental and quick to be on someone else’s case.

Some common situations where this occurs are when students hear certain things about one of their classmates and soon dislike the person or think of them in a negative way. You should always make sure you know everything about the certain rumors you hear before you think of a person a certain way.

Celebrity Kendall Jenner, early this year, was judged for her Pepsi commercial. The message that Jenner was trying to get across for making this video was unity peace and understanding, while people took it as widespread protest against the killings of black people by the police. She was judged because she was perceived as using a movement about police brutality to sell soda. Jenner soon had to apologize for the commercial she was in, even though that was not the message she was trying to convey.

Another example is that some teachers think the work ethic is bad among all students when it’s only a small percentage of the students who do not do their work.

Before you open your mouth be more informed about the situation.