Virtual reality

By James Dunyon  Posted April 20, 2015

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new technology coming into the world, and more people are talking about it. Many people do not like the idea of having a headset that covers your view and makes you see a new world. Others love the idea of a different world that you can see and participate in.

VR is quite an interesting technology but many people do not like it. Many people think that the headsets that are worn can cause sight impairment. Also, with the headset being on, people will get used to the world they are watching and not want to come out of their game or movie.

The scientists and developers who are creating VR are testing and making the systems as comfortable as possible. The point of the VR is to create a new world for people to enjoy themselves in a video game or movie in a lifelike experience.

Gamers of the world are not excited about this because they do not think it will be as fun as a handheld. The gamers believe that it will be a lot harder to control and will have tons of glitches that make games terrible.

The VR gaming developers are working on making games lifelike, but easy to control for an all-around great experience. The Oculus Rift is one of these machines, right now the graphics for games are not great, but that is because VR has only been around a few years. So instead of good graphics, developers use the Oculus right now more for horror games which are all around good fun.

In the next 10-20 years, look forward to the gaming world because VR will become a more advanced gaming experience and will be able to fit every person’s likes for gaming.

VR also has many uses for the medical world by creating different stimulants to treat patient’s pains as they perform surgery. If a patient is in pain from burns, the doctors use a virtual world that controls the brain’s senses so it doesn’t feel like the burn is there. Also, VR helps treat autistic children by helping them learn better and understand how to do things with parts of their body. Many scientists are testing these methods to be able to apply this to a lot more operations so the patient is more comfortable.

In addition to medical and entertainment use, the army is using the technology to simulate situations for training in the military. These tests are able to train soldiers without putting them in life and death situations. This way, the army will have fewer accidents when training but still getting in the proper training.

With VR getting more popular and technology advancing, the virtual world can come into play sooner than you would think.