What to watch: ‘The Hot Chick’

By Samm Sharp Posted February 9, 2018

Have you ever thought about a mashup movie of “Mean Girls”, “Freaky Friday”, and “White Chicks” that was made in the 2002? If so, “The Hot Chick” should be your go to movie.

Although this movie is about as old as the sophomore class, it’s probably one of the best comedy movies from the 2000’s.

This movie features Rachel McAdams (so Regina George, before she was Regina George) and Rob Schneider as ‘the hot chick’. Adam Sandler also makes a few appearances throughout the movie.

Jessica Spencer (Rachel McAdams) is one of the most popular girls in school. Not only is she the prettiest girl in high school, she’s captain of the cheer team and dating the quarterback of the football team. She’s fairly convinced she has the perfect life.

And then there’s Clive (Rob Schneider), a low life that lives in a grungy apartment on the bad side of town, who robs people for fun. Jessica and Clive meet by chance at a convenience store, where Jessica finds (and steals) a “cursed” pair of earrings that she thinks would look cute at prom. In the midst of Jessica stealing, she drops one of the earrings and Clive happens to take that one.

What they don’t realize is how terribly cursed the earrings are. Overnight, Jessica and Clive switch bodies. While Clive has almost no use for his new looks, Jessica is in a much worse situation inside the body of a thirty-year-old man. With only a few days before prom, she is forced to become the school mascot, a janitor, and even a gardener for her own dad, all while trying to track down the real Clive.

In the midst of all the chaos, Jessica realizes how shallow her life really is, and that there are things a lot more important than looks. This 2000’s comedy is definitely worth watching, and deserved a much better score from the Rotten Tomatoes critics.