By Taylor LaTray Posted October 30, 2012
Season three of the “Walking Dead” is approaching quickly. The last two seasons featured on AMC were a hit that people across the world loved. The action-packed show will begin again on AMC this Sunday.
“The Walking Dead” is a series in which, just as it sounds, there has been a zombie apocalypse. People across the world are still surviving although the majority of people are zombies. They fight for their lives and each other as new lives are made, family members are lost and romances formed.
According to the “LA Times,” the upcoming season is promised to be fast-paced and action-packed with many eye-boggling encounters with zombies. The last season had few complaints, but the ones that were delivered were because the show was ‘slow’. This time around the self-proclaimed showrunner, Glen Mazarra, was sure to make sure nothing was slow.
Tune in Sunday 9/8c to watch as the group fights for their lives.