What was the biggest issue you’ve faced so far this year?

What was the biggest issue you’ve faced so far this year?

By Ally Green Posted March 10, 2023

“The biggest issue I’ve faced so far is having so much homework because of being away from sports; football and baseball.”

Connor Peterson

“I think it would be playing with two different basketball teams and trying to be in sink with them when it was very hard to do that and deal with other things going on in life.”

Khloe Shorey

Khloe Shorey/Courtesy • Winnada
Khloe Shorey/Courtesy • Winnada

“Having to deal with worrying about people too much.”

Nazareth Razo

Nazareth Razo /Courtesy • Winnada
Nazareth Razo /Courtesy • Winnada

“My biggest issue was trying to fit every memory I could into such a short amount of time when in reality every moment of every day was a memory I’ll remember forever.”

Emma Gray

Emma Gray /Courtesy • Winnada
Emma Gray /Courtesy • Winnada