Freshmen win again

By Taylor LaTray Posted September 07, 2012

Lowry Freshmen had their first home game on September 6. They played Wooster, who proved to not be worthy enough contenders on the field.

Lowry dominated the Colts 41-6. The Buckaroos remained un-scored until the final quarter when Wooster made a touchdown, but they prevented them from making the point after.

“Our offense played well, our defense played well, and overall the game went great. Omar Guerrero caught an interception for a touchdown and threw an interception for a touchdown,” said coach Tom Newland. “On our defense, both Jared Carrica and Jared Taylor made some great tackles helping us out.”

According to Newland, there are still many improvements to be made and they are going to work hard and plan on many more wins in the near future.

Their next game will be on September 27 at home.