Lowry’s band and choir place at the festival

By Samm Sharp Posted May 9, 2018

On April 19-23, members of the Women’s choir, Swing Choir, and Concert Band traveled to San Francisco for the music festival, Music in the Parks.

Director Paul Criddle said it was a great experience, and a “memorable last trip”.

“The sightseeing activities and Great America were fun. All the students performed well, and the judges gave positive feedback,” said Criddle.

Both choirs and band performed at the Milpitas High School on Friday evening and awards were given Saturday at the amusement park, California’s Great America.

Women’s Choir received the ranking of superior and placed first, Swing Choir received the ranking of excellent and placed first, and Concert Band received the ranking of excellent and placed second.

Senior Kyron Williams is a member of the Concert Band and Swing Choir. Williams said he enjoyed the trip and thinks the music department became even closer.

“We (the music department) sang and played well,” said Williams. “I think this trip made our already tightly knit music department into an even tighter family who will persevere through everything; the good and the bad.”