Is Snapchat ruining relationships?

By Nick Maddox  Posted April 15, 2015

With the new Snapchat update many features were changed and added such as being able to see news from popular media outlets, being able to scan a barcode to add Snapchat friends, and sadly for couples, not being able to see other people’s “best friends” (If you did not know already, best friends on Snapchat are people you snap more than anyone else).

One of the many tactics used by couples to see who their significant other is talking to is seeing who their Snapchat best friends are.

This has caused many fights among adolescent couples, but they are too immature to realize that if someone other than you is Snapchatting your boyfriend or girlfriend, that does not mean they are cheating on you. Odds are they are just sending them a million pictures of their cat or pictures of the answers to a worksheet.

Now, if they are sending the person you are in a relationship with flirty pictures and texting them on a regular basis then yes, you should probably be concerned.

But Snapchat is not the problem, lying and cheating is.

Also, some people just don’t Snapchat often, and because of that, people can end up on your best friends list after just one snap.

So just because your man or woman is receiving snaps from some random person named Tiffany or Todd don’t freak out, because it might cause an unnecessary fight and make him/her think you are crazy. Also, if you don’t trust your partner to stay loyal to you and not develop feelings for another person, then you might want to rethink your relationship.