Mary Jane kills the brain

By Marissa Mendoza  Posted October 15, 2014

Marijuana. The drug everyone’s talking about. If it isn’t being talked about, it’s most likely being used.

Just seeing the word ‘marijuana’ is a good way to get the attention of most students. But let’s just get straight to the point here, I’m not going to write an article talking about how smoking is something that’s cool, but I’m not going to sit here and say that smoking weed is bad for you and you should stop.

Everyone’s opinion on marijuana usage is different. Some people believe that everyone who smokes the drug is a “pothead” and is the same kid their children shouldn’t be hanging around. Others believe that smoking isn’t a bad thing and it’s a helpful way to relax and unwind.

The real question here is, should marijuana be legalized?

According to “” last year there were over 800,000 arrests for marijuana possession. Every 37 seconds people are arrested for marijuana. Almost half of the drug arrests in the country are from marijuana.

If marijuana were to be legalized maybe actual criminals would be arrested and citizens wouldn’t be paying taxes for people that really did no harm to anyone or anything.

Imagine if the plant were to be discovered two weeks ago. Would it be considered a drug or something that’s good and can help people?

Is Marijuana all that bad though?

We’ve all heard people say that marijuana helps prevent cancer. According to The National Cancer Society, marijuana’s primary cannabinoids, THC and CBD are both cancer killers. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. So why are things that are more harmful to our bodies legal, but things that are not as harmful illegal?