Does a celebrity have a hard life?

By Nakiya Flores  Posted December 1, 2014

Celebrities’ lives often look glamorous, effortless, and perfect, but many celebrities struggle. Most of the time people don’t notice that a celebrity never has privacy, they are always busy, and they are constantly trying to impress others.

If they say something that goes against the public’s opinion, then they are blasted on social media saying how bad of a celebrity they are.  Reporters with cameras follow them everywhere they go.

Celebrities always have to be dressed right and be on their best behavior. If they aren’t dressed right a lot of people judge them right away.  Also, they have a really busy schedule; they are always doing something so it’s hard for them to relax.

Being rich and famous can change someone’s life drastically. Celebrities are able to experience the wealth of having a nice house and nice cars, such as Porsches, Corvettes, and other beautiful cars. They take advantage of having so much money.

Sometimes they don’t realize that money can’t buy happiness, although money can buy everything they want such as clothes, cars, houses, and vacations. Having a life like this can be, great Sometimes you will hear people say, “Man I wish I had this life”. But all that matters is having a family that loves you and cares for you.  Being a celebrity can’t buy you happiness.