Should Reading and Math be taught in PE too?

Should Reading and Math be taught in PE too?

By Kate Morton Posted December 20, 2016

If math and reading were taught in PE class it would definitely help students get better at their reading and math skills while still staying in shape. In reality, most school students are required to take both math and reading so why would they need another class to teach these subjects?

How do you incorporate math and reading into a PE class? Some schools like Whitefield Elementary are including reading and math into their daily workout, they call it the “math movement”. Math movement is a drill where students study flashcards and play games that will improve their math skills. For example, Whitefield Elementary is also encouraging learning unrelated subjects in other classes such as a short history lesson in music when talking about the history of music and instruments.

Most middle schools and high schools have split classes to teach separate subjects, teaching math and reading in PE, kind of defeats the whole purpose of having split classes. When you go to a PE class you should just be worried about PE and getting in shape. You have other classes to teach reading and math, PE class should just be about PE.

Even though most elementary schools have only one class that teaches all the required subjects at once they still need a short break from working and give their brains a break while playing games before they have to go back and sit in a classroom and learn for the rest of the day.