Reid statement in support of executive action on immigration

Reid statement in support of executive action on immigration

By Maclyn Crnkovich Posted November 20, 2014

Recently, Nevada Senator Harry Reid said the following in a press conference on November 13.

“I strongly support the President’s use of his well-established authority to provide relief to families who continue to suffer under our broken immigration system. The President can and should act to provide this relief. Immigrant communities cannot wait any longer for House Republicans to act,” said Reid.

The press release continued with Reid stating, “In recent days it has become increasingly clear that a small but vocal minority of Republicans are looking for an excuse to derail what has been a productive, bipartisan process of drafting a year-long funding bill to keep the government open. It is incumbent on responsible leaders within the Republican Party to work with Democrats and complete the business of keeping the government open in the coming weeks, regardless of when the President acts to provide relief to families.”