Where do the candidates stand? Democrat Barack Obama

Where do the candidates stand? Democrat Barack Obama

By Camille Lyon Posted October 22, 2008

The presidential election is rapidly approaching. On November 4 Americans will be asked to make one of the most important decisions in decades. Many are still undecided and are wondering what the candidates are all about. Voters want the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision for the betterment of our future.

Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s plan for change involves improving the stagnant economy, addressing the energy crisis, immigration reform, and the war in Iraq.

The US has not seen such fluctuation in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since the Great Depression. People are out of work, banks are failing and gas prices remain high. But Obama hopes to turn it around by implementing tax cuts for working families and the middle class. As wages remain low, prices for basic necessities are rising. Obama’s economic plan will provide millions of jobs for US workers. He intends to employ trade policies and increase the export of American goods to give a boost to the economy.

America’s energy crisis is becoming more pressing. Obama plans to provide short-term relief to families suffering from high gas prices by utilizing a windfall profits tax to provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate. Obama believes renewable fuels and clean coal are the keys to energy independence.

Immigration is an issue that often divides our nation. Obama feels that U.S. borders need to be secured. He also believes the U.S. should support economic development in Mexico, which would sharply decrease the number of immigrants crossing the border illegally.

Just as many Americans disagree about what should be done in Iraq, so do Obama and McCain. Obama believes the war was wrong in its conception. In addition, Obama believes in a phased withdrawal from Iraq where troops are removed systematically. Withdrawing from Iraq carefully will allow the United States to end the war in Iraq, which has proved to be not only financially expensive but which has cost the lives of thousands of soldiers.

Republican John McCain

By Katy Granath

On November four, millions of American citizens will vote in a historic presidential election. An informed voter has the power to directly influence the future of our country with a ballot. With this in mind, take a look at the Republican presidential candidate, Senator John McCain, and his stance on several key issues: the economy, our environment, and energy issues, US immigration policy, and the war in Iraq.

The United States economy is on a slippery slope, however, McCain is wholly confident that his plan is the key to revitalizing the US economy. McCain’s experience certainly lends his plan weight, but McCain’s record also speaks against him. McCain has often voted against regulation and reform, contradicting his current support for putting strong regulation in place.

Our next president will have no choice but to confront the growing threats of both global warming and our dependence on foreign oil. McCain advocates an “all-of-the-above approach” to both the environmental and energy crises. McCain’s goals involve reducing American dependence on foreign oil by exploring the possibility of domestic drilling on and offshore as well as investing in alternative, clean, energy sources like nuclear power. However, the detrimental effects of offshore drilling are not yet known.

Immigration is one of the most controversial topics in the state of Nevada. Senator McCain’s position on this issue is one of delicate balance, taking into account the need to better protect our borders, while not forgetting America’s dependence on low-wage workers.

Although many originally criticized Senator McCain for advocating a surge in Iraq, the strategy has saved countless lives. Since its implementation, ethnic violence has fallen by 90 percent, and civilian and coalition force deaths are down 70 percent. McCain has a clear advantage of military experience on his side, which is an important quality for a president who will be thrust into the fierce vortex of tense world diplomacy and politics.

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