Animal cruelty needs to come to a stop

Animal cruelty needs to come to a stop

By Celest Castellanos Posted March 6, 2018

There are many people in this world who own or have owned a pet. For most people, they look at their pet as part of the family or their best friend. On the other hand, there are some people who adopt a pet and treat it very poorly. There should be justice for the poor pets by beating them and leaving them. One should be put in jail for doing this to pets.

Most people buy pets as gifts for the holidays or as a nice gesture to someone. Most of the time, that pet will get taken to the pound because of it being too much to take care of. The person can also get very irritated with the pet and begin to abuse it and treat the animal poorly. A good way to prevent this situation is to not buy someone a pet.

Although there might be some people who buy a pet and can no longer afford to buy it the things it needs to live, that can be understandable, however, do not just leave your dog out on the streets or abandon it in a random place. Take it to a friend, or someone you might know who would want a pet, do not give up on them.

All pets have emotions and feelings just like humans. They can feel depressed and stressed about being beaten. There should be discipline for getting rid of something that loves you and relies on you; especially when treating a pet poorly. Do not sign up for something if you cannot take care of it. Most studies have shown that in a year about 7.6 million pets are abandoned and are thrown out. Statistics show that many people do not even notice that they are abusing their dogs and doing it out of anger and other problems.

Although most people think that it is not that big of a deal to adopt a dog and then give it away, it is. Treat every living thing with the same respect as a human, animal cruelty should be stopped.