Student-Athlete of the Issue: Cal Peters

Student-Athlete of the Issue: Cal Peters

By Maddi McClure Posted December 17, 2021

The class of 2022 is filled with many great athletes; one of which is senior Cal Peters. Peters, who plays both varsity basketball and golf was just one of the great athletes chosen to be represented in this issue of the newspaper.

Peters has played sports from a young age, starting with soccer at the age of eight. His parents wanted him to be involved in more activities, so they signed him up for AYSO. He is grateful for his parents as they were the ones who inspired him to participate in sports at a young age.

Peters’ favorite sport is golf. He finds golf to be calming and a good way to clear his mind. He grew close to his fellow golfers since there are so few of them.

He has been involved in Lowry sports for all four years of high school. Including cross country in his freshman and sophomore years. He has also been playing golf and basketball for all four years.

He wished he had worked a little bit harder during his off-season, but altogether he had an unregretful high school career.

“Enjoy your experience and work hard in the off-season.” is the advice Peters would give to the underclassmen.

Cal Peters plays in a game his sophomore year. His junior season was canceled due to COVID./ Ron Espinola • The Brand
Cal Peters plays in a game his sophomore year. His junior season was canceled due to COVID./ Ron Espinola • The Brand

After high school, he plans to go to UNR to study engineering and later pursue a job in that field. He also would like to play basketball while in college but only in an intramural sport.

Peters is also involved in Sports Medicine and it has taught him a lot about how his nutrition will affect his playing and sports experience. He now started implementing what he learned in the class into his own life.

Peters said that his sports experience has given him another family referring to the basketball team. As each season passes they grow more together as a family.