By Taylor LaTray Posted November 19, 2012
Last Friday, November 2, varsity football played Fallon for the second week in a row. This game would be the first round of playoffs. Tytin Johnson played particularly well and stuck out during this game. Lowry won by a landslide with Johnson adding a total of 6 points to the final score of 47-14.
“If you look good you feel good, if you feel good you play good, my teammates are the ones that allowed me to have such a great game and if I didn’t have them I wouldn’t be able to do the thing I am now,” said Tytin Johnson
Johnson had three solo tackles and four assisted tackles. Johnson picked up a fumble and ran it back for a 60-yard touchdown, his first of the season. Johnson is a defensive tackle and offensive guard for the Buckaroos who had his personal best game of the season.