College in the US

College in the US

By Riley Sakurada Posted May 9, 2018

If you are planning to go to college you should start saving. The United States has the highest tuition fees in the world. For an in-state student according to Paul F. Campos, tuition is on average $20,000 in the United States. If you attend college out of state in the United States then tuition increases to $34,200. To afford this many students are forced to get loans. Student loan debt increased to $1 trillion in 2017, with over 25 percent of the students who entered school dropping out in the first semester and 64 percent taking longer than six years to graduate according to NCES.

You may be able to slide through a university not spending thousands of dollars with a scholarship of some sort. If you thrive at a sport or thrive in something that the school is competitive at usually. It all depends on the scholarships and grants that you put in for. Athletes that thrive in a sport usually get free education to attract them to the school. If you are too lazy to put in for scholarships or grants then you are going to have to pay the full tuition which on average will be about $30,000 a year.

In countries like Germany and Sweden students can go to college free of charge, but Denmark takes expenses to a whole new level. Students in Denmark get to go to college free of charge and receive $900 a month to cover all of their living expenses from a program called Statens Uddannelsesstøtte which means state education. Brazil also provides free education to students to attend three of the top five colleges in South America, located in Brazil.

US education is expensive, but there are many opportunities to lower the costs of tuition for everyone. It’s just if you want to put in the extra time to receive scholarships.