Jessie’s Journal

Jessie’s Journal

By Jessie Schirrick Posted June 4, 2015

Before I go I would like to leave a few things for Lowry in a “will”.

To the school, a functioning bell system.

To the incoming freshmen, some brain cells.

To the Varsity Baseball team, a participation ribbon.*

To Mr. Espinola, a soul.

To Mrs. James, a beverage of her choice.

I feel like cats are symbols of people who smoke cigarettes. Not that cats or smoking cigarettes are bad things, cats just remind me of the pet that a supervillain would have, and supervillains are often depicted smoking cigarettes. Which is probably a good message to children. Once again, smoking cigarettes is not a bad thing. It’s not a good thing either.

My inspiration to write comes in spurts and should it be inconvenient because then I’m expected to meet these deadlines because the man wants me to meet them, you know?

This summer I plan to lose a lot of bodily fluids in sweat and tears.

My appetite for success and cheese is insatiable.

Just so everyone knows, my dog isn’t obese because he’s not getting the proper nutrition, he’s obese because he has a thyroid problem. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.

Confidence isn’t a bad quality by any means. I find someone with crippling insecurity to be much more annoying than someone who is walking a very thin line between confidence and cockiness.

I don’t know if this is ironic or just an unfortunate situation, but now that I’m graduating and have “mastered” high school, I don’t even get to enjoy it really, I have to go be an inexperienced freshman again.

It’s kind of strange to me that in America, graduating from high school still justifies gifts and celebrations. In this day in age, getting a high school diploma would be more of an expectation than a huge accomplishment. I still want everyone to come to my party and bring me gifts though.

It has become customary for me to dedicate my last journal of the year to a graduating senior, and this year I’m dedicating it to myself because I did the most work this year, which says a lot about how much effort goes into this publication, because I barely did anything.

*This was not meant to offend the athletes, just the head coach.