By Ludi Canales Posted September 20, 2022
Joseph Vankuiken was chosen as math Student of the Week by Mr. Austin Mayo. Vankuiken exceeds his expectations in his Algebra II class.
“He does really well in Algebra II,” said Mayo. “He asks lots of questions, he’s always participating and he’s willing to help his fellow students when they don’t finish their assignments.”
Apart from being picked student of the week by his math teacher.
“My favorite class period is actually Algebra II with Mr. Mayo, it’s really easy and he teaches me really well,” said Vankuiken.
Vankuiken, aside from loving math, also takes on activities outside of class.
“I really like to play football too, we’re 3-0 right now because of Mr. Mayo,” Vankuiken said.
According to Vankuiken, math is not only a fun and inspiring class because it comes to him easily, but he also enjoys the class because of the experiences he’s had with his teacher and his fellow classmates.