Law enforcement to distribute Miranda cards to juveniles

By Savannah McDade Posted November 21, 2010

The United States Supreme Court ruled that minors who are arrested and taken into custody have the right to fair treatment and are informed as well as understand their Miranda Rights. 

The Miranda rule is used to protect the rights of the Fifth Amendment and states that, “You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you desire an attorney and cannot afford one, an attorney will be obtained for you before police questioning,” (

According to a press release made by DHHS dated November 10, 2010, the Nevada Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC) is working to ensure that minors are made aware of their Miranda Rights. The JJC has started a campaign that has resulted in a collaboration with R&R Partners which is an advertising, marketing, and public affairs firm. Working together, 12,000 juvenile Miranda cards have been printed (in both Spanish and English) that include the Federal Guidelines for incarcerating minors and will be dispersed among police officers in Nevada, the police will in turn provide these cards to minors taken under custody.

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