Lowry Code: Your rights

Lowry Code: Your rights

By Aimee Brandon  Posted April 27, 2016

Lowry Code is much harder to write by yourself, but I guess I’m up for a challenge. So welcome back and thanks for reading. This edition of The Brand so happens to fall on the week after 4/20/16. 420 has a special meaning in reference to marijuana, and since Lowry Code is about all things Lowry and marijuana appears to be a common topic at Lowry, I think we should talk about it.

The Brand has written many different stories pertaining to marijuana, there was “Mary Jane kills the brain” for example which asked the question if marijuana should be legalized. But let’s talk more about the subject as it pertains to Lowry.

On Monday, March 21 Lowry High School in, partnership with Winnemucca Police Department, conducted their second drug search of the 2015-16 school year using drug dogs. A code yellow was called and teachers locked their doors and continued on with class. This one was a little different as the search stretched into the next class period.

For some students, this was a blessing. Maybe they had an assignment due that period or they do not like that class, but this disrupts our entire school day. Teachers, who were not warned about the search, have to change their teaching plans at the last minute. On the other hand, this is only two days out of our 180-day school being disturbed.

So these are the ideas behind these drug searches, but why are they doing it? It has been made clear that many students at Lowry smoke marijuana. From a student perspective, it is typical to see a few of your classmates high during the school day. Lowry is lucky to not have bigger problems though, they are lucky more harmful drugs are not flowing through the veins of LHS as they do in other schools. So is this really a such big problem? Maybe, maybe not.

If as a student you do not know your rights you should spend some time reading the cover story.