Lowry needs to extend lunchtime

Lowry needs to extend lunchtime

By Julianna Gonzalez Posted November 10, 2017

Lowry’s lunchtime needs to be extended by at least 20 minutes; 30 would be better. Lunch is 30 minutes long on a regular school day. Classes are 50 minutes long so why can’t lunch be the same amount of time?

Lunch is our only break throughout the day, besides the five minutes we get in between classes. Students need more time to eat and not be rushed, so they can get whatever. Most students need to go to their lockers, buy lunch, and also eat. Thirty minutes is not enough time.

Students use lunch as their time to socialize with others. Not everyone has classes with their friends so it would be nice to have more time to spend with them.

Many high school students enjoy going out for lunch, away from school, but they just don’t have enough time. Driving somewhere, ordering food, eating, and then having to drive back would require more time than 30 minutes. Students attempt to do this and they are usually late to class or they are speeding, trying to get to class on time.

The teachers would most likely appreciate a longer lunch as well. They also need their time to get their food together and not feel rushed before class starts. Teachers could use the extra time to grade papers or get other work done. It would almost be like another prep period.

During a 50-60 minute period, students can take the time to finish homework. There are cases when students need to make up a test or make test corrections. I personally had to do this one time and it was difficult to eat and focus on a test at the same time. If I were given more time, I could eat before, then take the test. But half an hour wasn’t enough time for this.

Some people would disagree with getting a longer lunch because they think students would have more time to get into trouble. However, I highly doubt students would waste their time trying to find trouble when we would have the opportunity to go out for lunch and have more time to socialize, eat, or get homework done.