Only in America

Only in America

By Maclyn Crnkovich  Posted April 27, 2016

A socialist, a racist, a scandalous wanna-be gangster, and a fire-breathing lizard with bad fake hair walk into a bar. But who is this mysterious group of people? They are the 2016 Presidential candidates. With that being said, there are many obvious reasons that none of the current candidates are fit to be president. I will not be participating in the 2016 Presidential election and here is why you should carefully consider who you vote for.

First off, I was “feelin’ the Bern”. Free college? Legalization of marijuana? Sounds right up my alley. Bernie Sanders seemed like a really cool dude, but then I realized something. Where would all this “free” stuff be coming from? The government has already reached above and beyond the debt ceiling, so it wouldn’t be coming from them. It would be coming from the wealthy people from Wall Street. They already went to college and became successful and paid for an education, why should they be paying for mine as well? So no, redistributing wealth is definitely not the answer. And another salient fact is that he already has one foot in the grave. He is more prone to dying. Sanders is crossed off the list.

Hillary Clinton is honestly probably just salty that Bill cheated on her. She is so small, vengeful and full of anger. If the first example of the Clintons in the White House wasn’t a jovial experience, why would America be stupid enough to try it again? A large point in her campaigning is making pay equal for men and women. Fun fact Hillary, it has been a lawyer since 1963. How are you going to enforce that in modern-day society?

And last and also least, Donald J. Trump. Successful businessman, unsuccessful and pervy father, and also the last candidate you should vote for. Trump may be a successful businessman, but doing business and politics are on opposite ends of the spectrum. So what maybe he will be able to pull us out of debt, but America has a lot more problems than that. And to the areas he can’t fix, what is he going to do? Build a wall around them? No thanks to that. If he were to deport all the illegal immigrants, the U.S. economy would crash. It would take 65 years to track down every undocumented worker and send them back to their home country. No Trump. Your argument is invalid.

So in November when you go in and vote, don’t vote for anyone because all the candidates this year suck.