Scrooged: Christmas break cut short

Scrooged: Christmas break cut short

By Alily Kliewer Posted December 20, 2016

For as long as we can remember, Christmas break has been two weeks long. The second best break after summer vacation. Two weeks of sleeping in, no homework, and lots of fun in the snow. Two weeks off is always a blast, and for most of us students and staff, it’s a well-needed break.

This year there’s not exactly the same excitement toward our upcoming winter break. In fact, the excitement is only half exciting, just like our winter break. Yup, this year’s winter break is only a little over a week long.

I don’t know about you, but I think only having a week for Christmas break is absurd. The holidays are a time for family, and two weeks is a perfect break from school to spend that time with family and do fun things.

Christmas break is supposed to be two weeks for two reasons. One week is spent sleeping in until two in the afternoon every day, while the other week is for fun and presents and family and hanging out with friends. Now that Christmas break is only one week long, am I just supposed to choose one or the other? That’s probably one of the hardest decisions I have to make.

Why is our break a week-long anyway? This “break” has many students mad, and parents too I’m sure, because now we can’t take nice two-week long vacations. Or, some might get to leave the state for a week, but now when they come home they don’t get another week to just relax before school starts again.

So kids, enjoy the holidays while they last this year, because before you know it you will be back in school cramming a book into your face.