Speaking Ignorantly

By Dani Ricker  Posted February 18, 2015

How many times have you been walking down the hallway and overheard a conversation in which the people talking have no idea what they’re saying?

It could be something as simple as a sport, or something as complicated as politics.

Nothing bothers me more than high schoolers walking around talking about politics, as if they actually understand any part of it.

“Obama sucks so much.” Uh, can you give me a legitimate reason as to why you think he sucks? I mean, if you can actually tell me something then we’re good, but if you say something as general as “Obamacare” then we have a problem. Can you actually tell me what Obamacare is, or why it sucks?

Sports commentators are a perfect example of this. They’re paid to have an opinion. They basically just say anything whether it has a factual basis or not. They could be making stuff up and no one would know because “they’re getting paid to do that job, they obviously know what they’re talking about.”
Bloggers. Those people that show up on your screen when you google a question. Just because it’s on the internet does not make it true. Never listen to Wikipedia. Because Lowry doesn’t cite Wikipedia.

One last thing that drives me nuts is when kids try to justify something they say because they’re parents said it. Believe it or not ladies and gents, your parents don’t know everything. Don’t get me wrong, we learn a lot from our parents but don’t forget that you’re allowed to have your own opinion. It’s okay to disagree with mommy and daddy.

So long story short, think before you speak. And don’t talk about things you don’t you don’t know about.