By Hadley Hatch Posted March 19, 2021
Zoey Thies was chosen to be a performer of the issue by Ms. Harlie Coney.
Zoey is a talented student who plays two instruments, the flute and piccolo, in two bands, the community band, and the high school band. Zoey has been playing since fifth grade, and she chooses the flute as her first instrument because “I couldn’t get any noise to come out of the clarinet so I settled for the flute,” said Thies.

Zoey started playing back in fifth grade and learned how hard it really is to play an instrument, but she was helped and mentored by her teachers Dave and Joan Munk.
“The people who taught me the most about band would probably be the Munks,” said Thies. Even now in Zoey’s high school years she still associates with the Munk’s by playing in the community band.
“I do enjoy the community band, I, in general, enjoy every moment I can perform, especially now with COVID,” said Thies.
Zoey loves to in general play songs on her instrument but some songs she just loves to play, “‘Les Miserables’ was a lot of fun especially with Mr. [Dave] Munk guest conducting us,” said Theis.
Zoey loves it when they finish a hard song.
“That moment at the concert when we finish our hardest song and everyone kinda glances at the person next to them and everyone shares a telepathic sigh of relief, and celebration of how proud we fell over that one song,” said Thies.
To prepare for these concerts Zoey typically practices around three hours a week and even more the closer it gets to a concert.

“Zoey is always looking to improve her musical skills and knowledge,” said Band Director Harlie Coney. “She takes every opportunity available to become a better flute player and a better person. Her dedication is an inspiration to many.”