Sooner or Later?

By Dani Ricker Posted June 4, 2015

Every year there are a handful of couples who choose to stay together even though one or both are going away to college. Which is cool, you guys are trying. But how often do these couples stay together?

I would just come out and say it’s better to end things sooner than later in cases like this, but as much as I want to, I don’t fully agree with that statement. I’m sure I just sound like that salty girl who had to end not one, but two relationships because he was away at college. But being in a long-distance relationship sucks. Because sometimes a girl just needs someone to hold her hand and do cheesy stuff like that, but you’re 400 miles away, and, believe it or not, my arms are not that long. Sorry, I’m not Mrs. Incredible, geez.

I’m all for chasing your happily ever after, but I’m also a realist. So here are some tips: If you and your significant other are choosing to stay together, though you will be living in different places, prepare for a lot of overly dramatic, unnecessary fights. When these fights happen, put in an effort to see the other’s point of view. Be patient and understanding. B-t-dubs if you’re not the jealous type, you’re about to be. Yeah, I know she’s your lab partner, but I went back 52 weeks on her IG, and not only is she beautiful but she’s been single for at least 35 weeks.

This one’s a big one: realize you both have things going on and just because you guys can no longer text 24/7 about how someday you’re going to get married and name your first child Kelly does not mean that they have forgotten about you or care any less about you. For all you know, you’re all that other person has been thinking about.

Don’t be that person that cheats and blames the other person because they left. I’m sorry, did you trip on all that distance and fall right onto her lips? I didn’t think so. MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you’re not happy; leave. Nothing sucks more than missing out on opportunities, or holding someone else back, because you “want to try to work things out”. You guys are somewhere between 17 and 19-years-old and you have your entire life to find your forever. It may suck, but you have so much to experience before committing yourself to one person forever. You need some you time. Spread them wings.

On the other hand, if you and your high school sweetheart make it last, hats off to you. It’s probably a good feeling to know the person you want to be by your side through all the trials that will be thrown at you. Plus like, no more awkward first dates. And he’s already seen your chubby baby pictures so you don’t have to go through that embarrassment again.

I guess what I’m saying is there really is no answer to whether it’s better to break things of sooner or later. Who knows, there may not even be a break. I think everyone reacts to situations like this differently, so the only way to know is to try. Just realize that LDRs aren’t as glamorous as they may seem. And those four-hour-long phone conversations don’t actually happen. And if you expect surprise gifts or visits you will be sadly disappointed. Those things just don’t happen anymore. We don’t live in a romantic comedy, people.

If you take anything from this article, let it be this; be selfish. You can’t expect anyone but yourself to look out for your happiness. Moving away is hard enough, don’t let someone else make it that much worse.