In today’s society, it pays to be a boy

In today’s society, it pays to be a boy

By Maclyn Crnkovich  Posted March 2, 2016

It’s pretty obvious that girls generally pay more money for items than boys. Starting from when we were young, girls’ items (such as scooters and helmets), have been more expensive than boys’.

According to The Washington Post, Radio Flyer sells two versions of the same scooter. They both have three wheels and have a foot brake, the only noticeable differences are the color and the price. At Target, the girl’s scooter is listed at $49.99, and the boy’s scooter is listed at $24.99.

Even with things as simple as clothing, women have always paid more money. Men can go out and buy a whole outfit for $50-$100. Women normally spend around $100-$150. Statistically speaking, women’s clothing and even beauty products are more expensive.

According to The Daily Share, a YouTube blog, Mike Byhoff, and Katie Isaacson put a few products to the test which was more expensive. They started off with Schick Hydro Razors. They both have five blades and moisturizing strips. The differences were that one was for men, and the other was for women, and the costs. The women’s razor cost $1.41 more. The video continued with other products as well. Byhoff and Isaacson concluded that pricing is also gender-based.

If women’s pricing is generally more expensive, some could conclude that they make more money than men, which is also false. According to, at age 30, a man’s annual income is around $65,300 while a woman’s is $51,000. On average, women earn 24% less than men, according to

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 made it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who perform substantially equal work. Yet today, women earn only 78 cents for every dollar earned by men. In the current presidential election, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are focusing a major part of their campaign towards making equal pay a reality.

The US simply needs to follow its own laws and actually treat men and women equally.