Teens do better when school starts later

Teens do better when school starts later

By Julianna Gonzalez Posted March 6, 2018

School needs to start later because teens lack sleep which is not healthy. It is recommended to get 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep each night, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. On average, students get fewer than seven, which is already below the recommended time, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Most schools start school as early as 7:30 a.m., which causes students to show up sleep-deprived and show a lack of focus in their first classes. Physically and mentally, this is a problem. Students have to be alert for six hours at school, and not getting a good amount of sleep can really affect how they perform.

Sleep deprivation in students has been linked to lower GPAs because sleep affects concentration, memory, and the ability to learn. A good night’s sleep helps to restore energy throughout the school day. A new study done by lead study author, Pamela McKeever, proved that schools that have started later, show improvements in how students perform. Students are more alert and aren’t half asleep during class.

Lowry currently starts school at 7:55 a.m. each day except for Thursdays. Every Thursday school starts an hour later, at 8:55 a.m. I personally always feel way more energized and don’t find myself feeling drowsy or falling asleep in class on Thursdays. One hour can make a huge difference and other students agree.

Some may say the reason kids don’t get enough sleep is that we stay up late on our phones. Teens typically stay up late on weekends which affects sleeping patterns during the week. Many teens suffer from sleeping disorders which aren’t always linked to a phone. We have school all day, then some may have sports or jobs. We need to eat dinner and spend time with family, and of course get some relaxation. So, sometimes homework from school is put off until late at night.

Lowry should really delay the start time by at least one hour. It would make a huge difference and most students would really appreciate it. Sleep is incredibly important and has a huge effect on how students do in school. Students need at least 8 hours of sleep and early school times are preventing this. If schools really want us to succeed, they should start by caring about our mental health first.