Being a teen shouldn’t be so stressful

By Marissa Mendoza  Posted October 22, 2014

Isn’t it ironic for a health teacher to lecture on getting enough sleep and then give so much homework that students have no time to sleep?

If there’s one thing a lot of students hate to do, it’s homework.

Students are stressed enough with homework from so many different classes every night. On top of that, there are tests and quizzes that need to be studied for.

Students are trying so hard to get good grades that they stay up late studying and finishing assignments for many classes.

Students have homework from other classes and teachers don’t think about the fact that burying students with homework each night is stressful.

Adults are constantly telling teens that getting a certain amount of sleep every night is important, but when students have to stay up late, they really have no choice but to go to bed at a decent hour.

You can say that students should stop messing around in class and get their work done, but getting 45 minutes of homework in every other class adds up. Homework is something that students should get, but getting assigned 40 questions every single day in math and having it due the next day is pretty harsh.

Students go to school for more than six hours already, their brains are burnt out from so much learning each day. Many students are also involved in high school sports, and clubs, and also have jobs. Practices and working itself can be exhausting.

Students don’t get enough credit for everything they do. It may be a part of growing up, but teens are still teens and should be able to enjoy their high school years without all of the stress.