Gaming should be considered a sport

Gaming should be considered a sport

By Nathen Cahill  Posted March 2, 2016

Some people think gaming should be considered a sport. Gaming uses strategy just like football, soccer, baseball or any other sport does. Games help people expand their minds beyond what most other people can even imagine.

People say gamers have no life, but they do; they just have a different life than you do. Gaming is already a career, so why not make it a sport that everyone can understand? People feel that just because some people say it’s a sport doesn’t mean it is. Yet there are, for example, eSports, where teams will meet at a large gaming convention and battle it out in a specific game and try to eliminate the other teams.

Schools should help others see that gaming is a sport. They could do that by holding tournaments for specific games, for example, “Black Ops 3” tournaments or “Halo”. Gamers have every right to call gaming a sport. It uses as much mind as any other sport. Just because it doesn’t use physical activity doesn’t mean it can’t be a sport. Some sports barely require physical activity instead they focus mainly on thought, for example, chess. You can easily play chess, not with physical attributes, but using strategy. The company Virtuix is making games more physical. They are making a device called Virtuix Omni. This machine will make it so you will be able to control what the character does by your body movement. They have made similar devices like this before, like the Kinect for the Xbox 360, but for this device, you will have grooves in the floor so when you run, the character will run. When you jump, the character jumps.

“Call of Duty” has some of the biggest eSports tournaments. These tournaments require a lot of teamwork just as teamwork is really needed in order to be a good football or soccer team.

Gamers get faster reflexes than most people because they have been working on their reaction time on games like “Uncharted”, “Tomb Raider”, “Call of Duty”, and a lot more. Just about any game will improve one of your skills.

Games may not need physical activity, but just like any other athletic endeavor gaming requires tremendous skill and strategy. Games can be played individually or on a team. Games will force you to work as a team and make up plans on how you would beat the other team. Gaming will make you have your own part on a team and have to work together to dominate the big tournaments. People who play as professional eSports players train for months on end, displaying strong mental focus, quick reaction time, and extreme dedication as they compete. Games let your mind think of things out of the box— not just the easy way out, but a smarter way out instead. Give gaming a chance and don’t think that people that play it professionally don’t have a life because they make a living doing what they love and what they are good at. Sit down, play a game, and just like every other sport you have to gain skill to be good at gaming.