Lowry Code

Lowry Code

By Aimee Brandon  Posted March 2, 2016

Are you confused that you’re not seeing Brody’s name anymore? Me too. Brody is no longer a part of The Brand. I’m sure readers will greatly miss his cocky attitude and refusal to acknowledge any opinion other than his own, but I say good riddance. Now it is up to me to keep Lowry Code going. The topics for this edition are first off, goodbye snowball fights, sledding, and all that other good stuff that comes along with winter and snow. This brings us to our second, jump for joy because spring is here!

The only good thing about snow is that it is pretty at first and there are lots of fun activities to do, but all good things come to an end. The snow is only pretty at first, but eventually, it becomes black slush on the side of the road. Activities such as sledding are only fun for so long because eventually, you get snow in your shoes, and your pants get soaked. Tbh I will not be missing the snow. Let’s just hope Mother Nature doesn’t pull a fast one and give us April snow instead of April showers because then we might not get our May flowers. This brings us to the second topic, Spring!

This makes me happy because we’re one season closer to summer and the weather is getting warmer. Would you rather always be too hot or freezing cold? Too hot. I’ll just jump in a pool. Spring means shorts, dresses, and sandals, sometimes a light jacket. The weather is perfect for activities such as hiking, fishing, and just being outdoors in general. On the days the weather is a little rainy you can stay inside and watch movies.

There you have it, Lowry. Go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.