By Chris Gildone Posted March 1, 2021
Giving blood can save several lives. Every day in America patients in surgical centers, hospitals, and emergency treatment centers need approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells,10,000 units of plasma, and 7,000 units of platelets. When you give blood you help these patients in need.
Every year blood is given from volunteer students at Lowry. Vitalent’s crew comes down to take blood. This year they will also test for COVID antibodies to see if donors had it in the past. Some students go just to get out of class but others go to help the community and the people who need it.
Robert Rangel is a senior at Lowry who wanted to give blood.
“I gave blood to help the people who are in desperate need,” said Rangel.
Giving blood can be a scary thing. Especially for people who don’t like needles and get queasy when they see blood, but the Vitalent staff helps so that it’s not as scary.
“At first I was really nervous but then I got used to it and it was fine,” said Rangel.
They take just under one pint of blood which can save three lives. You can go to to see how you can save lives today.