What’s entertaining us

What’s entertaining us

By Alexis Galarza, Chris Gildone and Araceli Galarza Posted March 19, 2021

The gym
By Chris Gildone
Whether you go to the gym to lose a little weight, get that six-pack, or just get stronger; it’s a great activity. It’s good for the body and self-confidence. It keeps kids motivated and out of trouble. You’ll find out your strengths and weaknesses, enjoy getting gains, and meet new people who work out too.

By Araceli Galarza
Not necessarily a new show but easily one of the most entertaining ones to watch. “Naruto” has recently made a comeback since it’s been added to Netflix. Anime has a reputation for being associated with being weird but the storyline and the plot are enough to get over that fact. The show has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 77%, it has a higher rating than most famous TV shows. Stream on Hulu or Amazon Prime.

Everything Everything book cover./ Courtesy • Amazon.com
Everything Everything book cover./ Courtesy • Amazon.com

A Good Read
By Alexis Galarza
“Everything Everything” by Nicola Yoon is a take on the classic cliche high school romance, except it is completely different. One of the main characters, Maddy Whittier, has a very serious medical condition that prevents her from ever leaving the safety of her home. Until a boy, Olly moves in next door. Making her question if taking the risk is worth it.

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