By Kristen Graham Posted June 2, 2010
Month: June 2010
Senior Chelsea Robison, leading the way for future artists
By Savannah McDade Posted June 2, 2010 Chelsea Robinson working on an art project. Senior Chelsea Robison has proceeded to inspire future art students by creating beautiful artwork and exemplifying
Senior Crossword
By Mary Granath Posted June 2, 2010 ACROSS2 Homecoming Queen.4 VP of the Art Club.6 The two 6’ 6” Seniors of the Varsity Basketball Team (First names only).10 Prom King.17
Lowry hosts the second annual Art and CTE showcase for public
By Miranda Buttram Posted June 2, 2010 On May 27, the 2nd annual Art and CTE showcase was held at Lowry High School from 6 to 8 p.m. Student artworks
End of the Year Assembly a success
By Mary Granath Posted June 2, 2010 The end of the year assembly was a huge success. The assembly started off with Mr. Byron Jeppsen, the athletic director, recognizing sports
Landfill continues to be an issue
By Mary Granath Posted June 2, 2010 After months of disagreement and dispute, it seems the local issue of whether or not to place a garbage dump in Winnemucca is
Lowry class of 2010 looks to the future
By Mary Granath Posted June 2, 2010 As graduation draws nearer, this year’s seniors reflect back on their high school career and look to the future to see where their
Senior Voices: What are you doing this summer?
By Brooklyn Thomas Posted June 2, 2010 “Working, and drinking water, and more working.” Terrell Messerly, Senior “I’m Work, figure out my housing plan, get moved up to where I’m
District educators honored at fourth annual Senior Choice Awards
By Sierra Sherburn Posted June 2, 2010 On May 20, the Fourth Annual Humboldt County School District Senior Choice Awards Banquet was held at the Winnemucca Convention Center. The ceremony
Awards and entertainment mark second Assembly of Excellence
By Miranda Buttram and Mallorie Leal Posted June 02, 2010 On May 19, Albert Lowry High School held its third annual Academic Assembly. The theme this year was “I Rock