By Keira Garner Posted June 8, 2023
Coach Chelsea Cabatbat was chosen as Lowry’s coach of the year 2023. Cabatbat is the girls’ varsity basketball coach. She was a team player in leading the girls to state.
“I had a great group of girls,” said Cabatbat. “They went through so much diversity this year, but they always came, played hard, did what I asked, and they always believed in the ultimate goal of winning the state championship.”
Cabatbat’s coaching season was off to a rough start but quickly turned itself around.
“It is a great honor, but I definitely could not have done it without these girls,” said Cabatbat. “They believed in the system, they believed in the program, and they are the ones who went out and executed offensively and defensively to get us where we are.”
Cabatbat gives a lot of credit for her being coach of the year to her girls. She knows that she could not have done anything without them.
“She’s a really great person, a real go-getter and she always helps us to achieve our goals and pushes us to be our best selves,” said Katlyn Gomez.
Gomez has a great relationship with her coach and she enjoys doing the little things with her, such as having long conversations on bus rides.
“I love Cabatbat because she helped me out a lot with my skills and I could go to her for anything,” said Autum Sanchez.
Sanchez felt Cabatbat played a strong role in helping the girls win the state championships.
“The girls did amazing with the obstacles they were given,” said Cabatbat.
Fernley beat the girls in a game by 19 points so they had to fight hard to get back on top.
“I’m so thankful and grateful to play for coach Cabatbat,” said varsity player Britain Backus. “She is such an amazing coach who has such a big passion and love for the game.”
Backus thinks highly of Cabatbat because she spends countless hours preparing to help her achieve her goals and the teams.
“Coach Chelsea Cabatbat embodies the leadership of a coach through her dedication, discipline, determination, and desire to reach her Student-Athletes at the highest level,” said Vice-Principal Tim Connors. “Her success rate of two state championships puts her at the top historical tier of coaches at LHS.”